Volunteer Coordinator Resources
Volunteer Coordinator Resources
Key date for your diary - Volunteers Week takes place 1-7 June every year. It's a chance to recognise the fantastic contribution volunteers make to our communities and say thank you.
27th November 2022 - 2 x Team Manager 1 sessions AM or PM - see event calendar for sessions.
The Ann Craft Trust
- 7pm, Wednesday 9th November 2022 - Safeguarding Adults in Sport - Learning from Safeguarding case studies
The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) offers free online CPD anti-bullying training for anyone that works with children and young people. The online training has been developed as part of the ABA’s All Together programme which aims to reduce bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEN) but applies to all children.
10 training modules to choose from each module takes between 30-40 minutes to complete Free CPD online training (anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk)
British Sign Language Online Course CPD
Cost between £3-25
The course covers 10 lessons you can access Introducing British Sign Language whenever you like (desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile). Study at your own pace and at a time that is convenient to you. You can access the course for 1 year. Designed to be studied over approximately 16-20hrs - 1.5 - 2hrs/week.
For more information here.
Welsh Athletics Virtual Announcer Workshop
If you missed the session you can watch it back below on our YouTube channel.
Sunday 7th March 2021 saw the staging of the first-ever virtual Welsh Athletics Officials & Volunteers Conference, under the banner of the #Unite Conference Series. This conference was the first in the series. It was great to see almost 100 volunteers and club officials registered for the afternoon. The opportunity to network, connect and learn through a virtual medium was well received by those in attendance from across Wales and even outside of Wales engaging throughout the afternoon sessions. The afternoon saw over 65 delegates in attendance, making it the biggest officials' conference held to date.
Take a look at the news item of how the afternoon went - 'Conference summary - The first #Unite Virtual Officials & Volunteers Conference'
Pre-recorded content is now available for the following virtual workshops:
- Recruiting, Retaining and Valuing volunteers - Zoe Holloway, Eva Brewer & Barry Edwards
- Behind the scenes: Seeding & Results – Darran Williams
Presentation with Audio:
- The Role of an Event Adjudicator - Nigel Jones (Race Organiser & UKA Level 4 Endurance Official)
- Officials & Volunteer Mental Well-being - Georgia White (Mental Health Professional)
Presentation only for UKA T&F Officials Pathway Level 1-5 by Sue Maughan (UKA Level 4 Field Judge) & Geoff Wickens (UKA Level 4 Timekeeper).
This Resource Pack is for you, it provides role descriptions, ideas on how to recruit and where to recruit, as well as, how to reward and retain volunteers. As Volunteer Coordinator you will look at a strategy of how to implement these resources. If the resources are used with a clear and targeted approach, there is no reason that your campaign will not be successful.
Useful guidance from the Welsh sports sector Sport Wales for attracting, recruiting, supporting and retaining volunteers in your club.
Reward your club volunteers
Recognise your volunteers contribution by celebrating Club Volunteer of the Month (English / Welsh certificate template)
The last 12 months have been challenging, therefore it is really important that throughout this time everyone prioritises their own mental well-being. To reconnect the Officials/Volunteers community during this period we are launching the Coffee Connect Chat series.
This series started with 'Time to Talk day' Thursday 4th February 2021
Topic: Mental well-being with Guest Speaker Georgia White, Mental Health professional that has a vast amount of experience in both public and private sector.
If you missed the repeated session at the Welsh Athletics virtual Officials/Volunteers Conference 2021 here is the presentation with audio - Officials & Volunteer Mental Well-being
The Officials/Volunteers well-being session covered promoting positive mental health - the benefits linked with volunteering, the importance of mental well-being, and relaxation techniques. The session included real examples throughout and highlighted resources to visit for further support.
Please get in touch with suggestions for future session topics volunteering@welshathletics.org
Club volunteer roles
To find your nearest club please visit the clubs pages.
Club case studies
Menai Track & Field
During 2020, Menai Track & Field have actively been recruiting new officials and coaches during lockdown. They have successfully had 6 key volunteers come forward from varying backgrounds from a secondary school PE teacher, an outdoor activities officer, A level PE student as well as Bangor University students.
Recruiting volunteers – poster / social media / role descriptions
"The club have recently had six new volunteers from the recruiting process and one was a level 2 coach who retired and moved from a club in England to Anglesey. He is now one of the Regional Sprints coaches. It's exciting times at the club and it's welcoming news that the coaching team will be growing".
Volunteer retention – CPD courses fees covered / Mentoring / monthly meetings to listen to volunteers feedback / opinions. Welcome pack filled with info and resources.
Valuing volunteers – Awards / Kit / expenses / experience / team manager roles / message of thanks in newsletters and press releases.
"The club use external awards ceremonies to showcase the club volunteers. We have had officials and coaches shortlisted for national and regional awards including the Welsh Sports Awards".
Check out their eye catching club recruitment posters
Coach recruitment poster & Officials recruitment poster (see below)
Club Newsletter - keeping everyone informed
Volunteer stories
We are always keen to share good news stories, our thanks and highlight the great contribution our volunteers give to our sport, we will feature the regional winners on our volunteers page on the website. If you have any other volunteers you think deserve a mention then let us know email volunteering@welshathletics.org
Featured links
Useful pages within this section you may like to consider visiting.